Tag: YA fiction

  • A Haphazard Introduction to Young Adult Fiction

    A Haphazard Introduction to Young Adult Fiction

    When people ask me what kind of book I’m writing and I respond, “it’s a young adult fantasy novel,” I assume they know what I mean. I think their blank looks and silence are signs that perhaps they don’t care and would very much like to help the next customer in line, ma’am (what? you…

  • NaNoWriMo: The Birth of an Idea

    NaNoWriMo: The Birth of an Idea

    I’ve attempted NaNoWriMo four times, but only won (finished) two times. For those of you who don’t spend one month out of the year hashing out a novel, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s an annual event that takes place in November, when thousands of people try to write 50,000 words. It’s a…